The Power of Story
While many may have preconceived notions about Jesus Christ and the Bible, the undeniable power lies in our personal stories. These are not just empty claims but true, transformative narratives that hold the potential to validate our beliefs. Your story and mine are the building blocks of trust!
Many businesses promote their products, make claims, and tell stories that they are better than their competitors. Some of those claims are true, but many are untrue since we bought and found out about the poor quality of some of those products. Religious leaders do the same; they claim superiority over other religions. But how can we verify that such claims are valid?
Consider a scenario where a stranger knocks on our door to sell a new shampoo. Would we buy it without knowing the seller? The product might be of high quality, but without trust in the seller, their words hold little weight. On the other hand, if a trusted friend recommends the same shampoo, we are more likely to make the purchase. It is because when we trust a person, we trust their message. To be believed, we must first be trustworthy.
Many who attend church or Christian gatherings may claim to be Christians, but their lifestyles contradict their claims. They participate in such gatherings because the church is a safe and pleasant place to find good friends. They may even believe in good behavior, although their lifestyles have remained unchanged. Some may be born-again but haven't grown into maturity. Sadly, neither of them has a telling story.
Yet, when we earnestly apply the teachings of the Scriptures, our Lord begins a transformative work, pruning away the barren branches of our lives and making us fruitful. If this process ever seems to stall, we can turn to God to refresh our souls. The journey to spiritual maturity is not about accumulating knowledge but about living out that knowledge. It is not our wealth of knowledge but the changes in our lives that lead others to salvation.
Therefore, we immerse ourselves in the Scriptures, maintain a regular prayer life, fellowship with other believers, and, most importantly, take the guidance of the Holy Spirit seriously. It is the Holy Spirit who empowers and guides us in making the necessary changes in our lives. These changes are not just internal; they manifest in our behavior and the words we speak. Others become intrigued when we share our stories, witnessing the transformation in our lifestyles.
Our stories, each unique and significant, have the potential to impact numerous lives if we choose to share them. Many who were once distant from the Lord have become influential evangelists and ministers because they listened to stories like yours and mine. The ways we share our stories are as diverse as the stories themselves. We can share a piece of our lives or pose questions that spark contemplation.
Frank Jenner, a dedicated Christian, used to go out every late evening to a crowded street for 16 years and greet people. He greeted people passionately with an opening phrase, "Young man, if you were to die tonight, where would you be, in heaven or hell?" Over the years, nearly 100,000 people have heard those words; many have woken up and surrendered their lives to Christ! So, if a simple sentence can speak to many people and change their lives, our stories can do more!
However, telling our stories isn't like preaching, sharing knowledge, or teaching the Bible. Instead, it's the short story of our lives that covers three distinct periods;
a) Our past lives,
b) How we accepted Christ, and
c) Our present life in contrast to our past.
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