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Freqently Asked Questions


Thankfully, there are several Internet resources available to answer your questions. For example, you may find answers to your questions at https://www.gotquestions.org or https://questions.org.

Therefore, we have listed only the most common questions our viewers may have.


Q: Are Western countries Christian?

A: Christianity is not by country, geographical divisions, race, or membership in a group or a family. It is a personal decision by free choice to follow Jesus Christ.

Q: How do we know the Bible is still authentic?

A: The Bible is the only book with thousands of ancient copies, all delivering the same message. Jesus said, “Heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will by no means pass away.”

Q: Are there minor and major sins?

A: No. Any kind of sin destroys relationships and causes pain and suffering. Sometimes only one or a few people are hurt by the consequences of sin, and sometimes many. Our Lord forgives any sin regardless if we consider it minor or significant.

Q: Will all good people go to heaven?

A: In the eyes of God, only those who repent, confess Jesus as their Lord, and live an honorable life by the power of the Holy Spirit have a place in heaven. Our good works do not qualify us as good. We are saved and considered good only by God’s grace. Although some people may live a very short life after confessing Jesus as their Lord, still, they are considered good. The thief on the cross believed in Jesus at the very last moment and entered heaven!

Q: How do I know I’m saved?

A: Many want to believe their salvation is based on what they do or how good they are, but that doesn’t count! We are saved only by God’s grace. We are confident about our salvation because the Bible says so, regardless of what people think or how we feel. Therefore, we should ask the Holy Spirit to change our lives and produce sweet fruit.


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