Prayer Warriors

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Prayer Warrior


Although all leadership qualities are essential, becoming a prayer warrior is more important  and is the precursor to developing other traits. Many leaders started great ministries but failed to maintain them. Human talent may take us only so far, but it can't help maintain constant progress. Luckily, Many ministries keep shining and expanding because their leaders never seize to pray and cooperate with other leaders. Prayer forges a warrior spirit!

Through our childhood years, we grew up and picked up bad habits knowingly or unknowingly. And most often, we may not even realize that we are enslaved by those habits. But, when we pray regularly, the Holy Spirit reveals and enables us to see areas of our weaknesses and helps us to change. At first glance, it may seem almost impossible for a grown-up to change. But with God, everything is possible. Through prayers, we can renew our minds, drop old habits, and develop a great character.

Developing the habit of praying daily can be challenging. It's physically and mentally demanding, and it will always be so! However, when we commit to praying regularly and do it sincerely, our prayers penetrate through visible and invisible universes, through the gates of heaven, into the very presence of our holy, loving, and mighty Father, who listens and responds! Moreover, the more we pray and stay in his presence, the more our minds open up to learn about the culture of a spiritual world and how to think, speak, and view things.

“Don’t copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God’s will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.”  Romans 12:2 NLT

“Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures.”  Luke 24:45 NLT

Our natural abilities and extensive knowledge may impress our fans and followers. But when we humble ourselves in prayer, we exemplify a lifestyle others can follow. Both private and group prayers are necessary for our spiritual transformation. In a prayer meeting, we learn from others and are encouraged. And when we pray alone, we share the deepest desires of our hearts, make confessions, and pray with and without words.

Great leaders always have something encouraging to share. Sharing knowledge doesn't necessarily help others, but caring for them brings vitality into their lives. Randy Fujishin, in his book "Natural Speaker," says, "Every time you talk with someone, you either enlarge or diminish that person by your interaction." Ask ourselves how we feel after meeting someone. Do we look forward to meeting them again, or do we make excuses to avoid them? In other words, do they energize us or suck out our energy? Good friends breathe energy and excitement into us through words, facial expressions, and a positive attitude!

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