Creation's Climax
Our intelligent Creator creates everything we see, even the things we can't see. He is the Creator of time, the visible and invisible worlds, the stars, and the living creatures. And at the climax of creation, he said, "Let us make humans in our image and likeness!"
Adam, the first human, was not just a product of dirt, flesh, and bones. His creation was extraordinary and exceptional, a testament to the unique design of our Creator. The moment our Creator breathed the 'breath of life' into Adam, he became more than just a physical being. He became a living person, both bodily and spiritually. Adam, in his love and creativity, resembled God in so many distinct ways, as planned precisely by our Creator. Since then, every human has been conceived with God's breath at conception. Adam had free will and the freedom to choose! He enjoyed life and had an intimate friendship and daily conversation with his Maker, a relationship we, too, can aspire to.
And as planned, our Creator made Eve, not a duplicate of Adam, but a new creation. She, too, resembled her Creator in so many ways. Adam and Eve built the first family together, enjoying intimate fellowship and face-to-face conversation with their Creator!
They had everything and could choose whatever they desired. However, free will comes with responsibility. The consequences of our choices can be excellent or dire, and often, the best choices are made with the advice and support of others. Wise counsel is instrumental in achieving success and maintaining it. But when pride ignores wisdom, it paves the way for a sudden fall.
Adam and Eve grew in knowledge and understanding. They made good choices until they chose to ignore the advice of their Creator and believe in a tempting but self-promoting lie. They could demonstrate their respect and love for the one who gave them everything they needed. But they chose to follow their selfish desires. It wasn't about the fruit; it wasn't about the tree; it was about their trust in the one who loved them most.
Often, wrong choices present a deceitful and favorable facade. However, Adam and Eve's decision had far-reaching, eternal implications. With one foolish decision to believe in lies, they relinquished their God-given freedom and fell under the dominion of evil.
God didn't create evil. The entire creation unfolded according to a perfect plan. However, the seed of evil sprouted from pride and selfishness. It's a tragic tale-Adam and Eve, with their free will, chose the path of evil. Their choice led them to experience the bitter fruits of pain, guilt, fear, and loneliness. The calamity was so severe that our Creator had to banish them from his holy presence.
The story didn't end with the banishment. It was just the beginning! The love of our Creator was so immense that He vowed to pave the way for restoring his relationship with humans. Adam and Eve departed from God's presence, leaving behind a life of love, intimacy, and carefree existence. But the promise of restoration shone like a beacon of hope, a light in the darkness of their consequences. They struggled, yes, but the promise was there, unwavering.
Unlike their ancestors, the descendants of Adam and Eve didn't have the privilege of a face-to-face experience with their Creator. Their knowledge of the invisible and spiritual world was second-hand, and over time, it faded. They lost their understanding and their connection to the spiritual realm. Instead, they fashioned gods from their imaginations, and in doing so, they lost a part of themselves.
Corruption grew like wildfire, and in its wake, many religious leaders seized the opportunity to exploit people and rule over them in the name of "god." With a distorted view of the Creator, they introduced a different, invisible "god," a god with an unloving nature that bore no resemblance to our Creator. They forced people to worship false gods that were always angry, unloving, and demanding. Their sole purpose was to dominate and punish opponents, a gross injustice that continues today!
What we see today is the outcome of our past. Envy and violence have replaced love and care for one another. The true, selfless love that once bound us together has lost meaning. Even when we say "I love you," it's often driven by selfish desires rather than a genuine concern for others who need our care and attention. We deceive others and ourselves, knowing full well the grave consequences of our actions.
It seems impossible to escape our misery, return to the previous glory, and have a fearless relationship with our Creator. We may question why God doesn't destroy all evil-doers so there wouldn't be any crime. But that would require destroying people like you and me?! If God had acted that way, he would have wiped out the entire human race!
However, the love of our Creator was so genuine that he took a visible human body and came into our world to live among us! He made the greatest sacrifice to rescue us from self-destruction! He paid for our inequities so we could live guilt-free forever. He brought the cure to transform us from sinners into people-loving and good-hearted humans. This transformation fills us with hope and inspiration. Then, he called us to partner with him to share his message, change people’s lives, and diminish evil and suffering. We receive a new heart and life to resemble him as children of God, and the promise of living with him through eternity brings us comfort and reassurance!
How is this even possible? How can humans become the children of the Creator of the universe and call Him "Father"?!
Questions (True or False):
- Our Creator created us in his image.
- We don’t have free will to choose eternity.
- All religions and religious leaders point us to the same true God.
Let's find out in the next episode by clicking on "Wonders of Life".
- True: We resemble our Creator in so many different ways.
- False: We are born with free will.
- False: Many religious leaders introduced “gods” that have no resemblance to our Creator.