Variety of Groups

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Variety of Groups


A Fellowship group is formed around a common interest shared by its members. For example, one group may focus on young couples studying the Bible together and learning how to raise and care for their children. Another group might gather to study a book, share recipes, cook food, eat, drink, and participate in worship and prayer together. Yet another group may meet at a basketball court to play and later gather at a coffee shop for worship and prayer. Regardless of the specific interest, every group dedicates time to worship and prayer. As members become aware of each other's needs, they tend to care more for one another.

To start a new group, you can enlist the help of 2 or 3 people. Although prior experience or training in leading a fellowship group may be beneficial, you can learn the necessary skills over time. Fellowship groups thrive when all members are involved and contribute to the group's activities. However, a leader may occasionally take on different responsibilities as needed.

Each fellowship group may have different priorities and needs. Still, they all share two primary goals: 1) Strengthening and supporting each other to grow in faith, and 2) Encouraging, equipping, and supporting each other in sharing their life stories with others.

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